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NCIS Guidance

NCIS Guidance


From the time they are introduced to school as preschoolers and kindergartners, our youngest students are in the constant process of developing their concept of self and assessing themselves as learners in relation to their peers. Our school counselors focus on supporting students during this time by helping them to develop positive attitudes about themselves, their peers and school. Specially trained to observe and recognize the emotional needs of students coming from diverse backgrounds, our school counselors assist in developing strong foundations based on  good decision-making and communication skills. It is our goal that our students leave our elementary and intermediate schools with a healthy perception of themselves, believing in their own abilities to be good learners and good people.

At North Canton Intermediate School, we have three full time school counselors Megan Zahorec (3rd grade), Jen Griffin (4th grade)  and Terri Simmons (5th grade).  Chase, a registered therapy dog, accompanies Mrs. Zahorec-Deierling to work.

Each of these three school counselors have their own grade level and will continue to follow those same students throughout their time at North Canton Intermediate. This allows for consistency and relationship building with the students and families.

We work with students individually, in small group counseling and also by providing Social Emotional Learning lessons utilizing the 7 Mindsets curriculum.  School counselors are trained to support students with their mental health, peer relationships, personal development and educational success.  

We diligently work to assist our students, families and staff by providing resources and support to navigate their experience at the intermediate level.

Keep in mind, we honor confidentiality, with the exceptions of safety concerns (harm to self, harm to others, abuse or neglect) or if a judge orders disclosure when we work with students.

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Jen Griffin

Mrs. Jen Griffin

4th Grade School Counselor



Terri Simmons

Ms. Terri Simmons

5th Grade School Counselor



Megan Zahorec-Deierling

Megan Zahorec-Deierling

3rd Grade School Counselor 
